First blog just got back from the Isle of Mull, had some great weather and fantastic wildlife stuff not least of which were the usual otter (although this year they were quite distant views apart from a visit up close from one on the Mishnish Loch at dusk, nee camera typical as I was fishing for me supper).
Got some decent shots of one of these little varmits whilst waiting for a shot of an otter. needless to say the presence of this little fellow signalled no otters. She was very nervous all about her business recoiling from otter spraints and other scent marks around the fresh water pools. It was not far from this spot on Mull that I saw a few years ago an otter kill and half eat a mink, sadly no otter today when I have the camera but a nice shot of a mink.
I mentioned the close up otter, they can be pretty fearless at times, in the past they have knicked my socks and i ve seen them kill and eat almost anything they can catch from minnows to herons and mute swans. Tis particular one surfaced right in front of me as a struggled to connect to the wild trout in the Mishnish lochs just outside of Tobermory. He then hauled out no more than 10ft away from me in the fading light for 10 minutes rolling and grooming before showing how to catch trout in one dive surfacing with a 10 inch wildie. I new it was never going to be so off i mooched fishless but happy.
The cuckoo's never stopped calling 24hrs a day it was weird and reminded me of corncrakes on the Uist's noisy gits.
Got some fantastic views of the sea eagles and picked up one or two slow worms and adders to thrill the bairn with my Steve Irwin impersonations.
As for the weather and other photo opps, some of the best came from the boat or the shoreline or just when your having fun. The light is alway special up the west coast and never the same no matter where you are or what time of the day it is. It changes all the time. I ll pop a few more images up as soon as I get the hang of this blogging mularky.